Flood Ingenuity

The author explores the value of developing emotional intelligence in different areas of our professional lives...

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Monday Sep 03, 2012

Today I’ll be exploring the last of the 5 elements defining emotional intelligence, relationship management. Managing relationships is a lot more than being sociable and friendly. It takes clarity,
awareness and intention to get the best from a situation and manage the way people respond.
Relationships can be tricky and complicated as we all know and as a leader when you have to work with groups of people, you have to be on top of your game. Effective management of relationships relies on all the other four elements explained in m previous podcasts; self-awareness, self-management, self-motivation and social awareness.
Before you can manage relationships you need to notice and manage the effect people
have on you, then you need to pay attention to the way they feel and figure out why they
feel that way. From there you can decide the best way to interact with them to achieve the
outcome that you want.
I hope you enjoy the show!

What is social awareness?

Friday Aug 31, 2012

Friday Aug 31, 2012

Today I’ll be exploring in a little more details the fourth of the 5 elements defining emotional intelligence, social awareness.
Social awareness is the ability to recognize verbal and non-verbal behaviors in others including their emotional states.
According to Daniel Goleman the most important skills associated with social awareness are: empathy, situational awareness and service.
Next time, we’ll be looking at the last element at the core of the Emotional Intelligence behavioral model, relationship management.
I hope you enjoy the show!

Thursday Aug 02, 2012

Today I’ll be talking about the link between emotional intelligence and the current London Olympics.
I am so thrilled to get a front row seat for the display of emotional intelligence at its finest. While most of the focus will be on physical skills and performance, I will be paying attention to the athlete’s level of EQ.
Emotional intelligence is an important intangible source of power in high level sports, and this summer it will dictate who will change history and set new records at the London Games.
To further explain this idea, let me quote EI author Daniel Goleman: “Analyses done by dozens of different experts in close to five hundred corporations, government agencies, and non profit organizations world-wide have arrived independently at remarkably similar conclusions... Their conclusions all point to the paramount place of emotional intelligence in excellence on the job- in virtually any job.”
These intangible aspects have in so far received a lot less attention on all fronts because it’s not easy to objectively measure them. But yet when you have a group of equally talented individuals, emotional intelligence is the secret ingredient separating the wheat from the chaff. In this case, it more like separating the good from the great.
In my opinion, all other factors put aside, higher levels of EQ will be the deciding factor between who wins a medal and who doesn’t. I hope you get to watch the games and cheer for your favorite athletes. Next time, I'll go back to explaining the core elements of the EI model.
I hope you enjoy the show!

What is self-motivation?

Tuesday Jul 17, 2012

Tuesday Jul 17, 2012

Today I’ll be exploring in a little more details the third of the 5 elements defining emotional intelligence. Last time, I briefly explained the basics of self-management and today, we’ll look more closely at self-motivation.
Motivation is described as having the desire and willingness to do something. Theories often focus on two distinct categories of motivation; extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.
Extrinsic motivation is when we are compelled to do things because of external factors. Elements such as incentives, rewards or even punishments are all considered to be external motivators. In the end, motivation is controlled by someone or something else. Intrinsic motivation on the other hand is when we are compelled to things without the influence of another person or external factors. We determine ourselves our own goals and we set our own expectations.
Next time, I’ll be looking into the ability to recognize and manage other people’s emotions.
I hope you enjoy the show!

What is self-management?

Wednesday Jul 04, 2012

Wednesday Jul 04, 2012

Today I’ll be exploring in a little more details the second of the 5 elements defining emotional intelligence. Last time, I briefly explained the basics of self-awareness and today, we’ll look more closely at self-management.
A lot of people believe self-management skills to be limited to managing emotions, but it’s much more than that. Self-management focuses on intra-personal skills which help you manage your emotions, but mainly it affects your responses and your actions. Intra-personal skills have the most profound effects on your responses and your behavior because it touches upon what is the closest to who you are, how you view yourself and how you choose to show up in the world.
That’s why, even in professional settings, very personal aspects of who you are regularly seep through. Next time, I’ll be looking into self-motivation and how that affects your performance in the workplace.
I hope you enjoy the show!

What is self-awareness?

Thursday Jun 28, 2012

Thursday Jun 28, 2012

Today I’ll be exploring in a little more details the first of the 5 elements defining emotional intelligence. According to Daniel Goleman, one of the top researchers in the field, self-awareness is the most important emotional competence in EI.
Emotional self-awareness is the ability to recognize your feelings, to know why you are feeling them, and to recognize the impact your feelings have on yourself and on others.
Next time I’ll be looking into the element of emotional self-management and how it affects the workplace.
I hope you enjoy the show!

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Thursday Jun 14, 2012

Thursday Jun 14, 2012

This podcast gives you a brief overview of the framework surrounding emotional intelligence. I talk about the the most common assumptions made by people unfamiliar with emotional intelligence and I give a brief workplace example about the use of social awareness, one of the core skills associated to EI.
In the next podcast, I'll be exploring  components making up the core skills of a highly emotional intelligent individual. I'll also be discussing the benefits associated to developing these core skills.
I hope you enjoy the show!


Wednesday Jun 13, 2012

Wednesday Jun 13, 2012

Welcome to my first podcast!
I am so excited that you are here. Today, you will get a chance to find out a bit more about me and my entrepreneurial journey as well as the reasons behind my interest in emotional intelligence.
I hope you enjoy getting to know me a little better and I look forward to connect with you :)

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